
Who are EdoFriends of BC

We are a non-profit and charity organization in Canada dedicated to better the quality of life for all Canadians. Our founders were a group of immigrants from Edo region of Southern Nigeria. We offer different programs and services based on identified needs of New Immigrants, Refugees, Low-Income Families and Seniors in the communities we serve.

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Our Activities

Popular Activities

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Computer Training Services

We provide basic computer and internet training for new immigrants and refugees in an environment that is conducive for those using the computers for the first time. This is done at our office weekly.

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Cultural Program

Organizing a yearly Musical and Cultural Event that benefit New Immigrants, Refugees and Canadian Society at Large. This is done with the participation of all the New Immigrants in our programs and others that have gone through our programs. All immigrants show case their talent in this event and also an opportunity for us to showcase Canadian Aboriginal Culture, Arts, and Folk Dance. Once a week, we organize story telling forum for our immigrant community in our office.

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Children Programs

We bring new immigrant and refugee children and families together to have fun, make friends, learn new parenting skills, share experiences, and for some to recover from trauma they have experienced in refugee camps. This is done once a week.

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